Living as Light

The Awakening of Mystical Consciousness
"The words, 'courageous, intuitive, holy, spirited, healing and wise' kept coming to me as I read Brent’s new work. He is a healer and a mystic with an incredible ability to verbalize and explain the lessons he is able to teach. He inspires us by helping us find our own ability to become a visionary. His book is a wake-up call to our own development."
Author of 26 Books on Recovery and Addictions
"Brent’s work is truly remarkable. He teaches us how to come out of 'trance' – to stop passing through the world unconsciously and live in 'present moment time' – the only time living is possible. He is the safest man I’ve ever been in the presence of in my life."
Wyatt Webb, Author of “It’s Not about the Horse” and
“Five Steps to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt”