Healing Dimensions ACC
Committed to Reducing the Presence and Impact of Trauma in our World

Introducing a New Approach:
"Holographic Memory Resolution®"
For The Emotional Reframing of Memory

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Healing Intensive - 3-Day In-Person Workshop


Date & Time:

September 20-22, 2024
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - 9:00am - 5:00pm CDT
Noon -1:30pm Lunch Break Daily


In this 3-day workshop, we acquire the tools to free us from the constraints of the past and approach the freedom and “lightheartedness” that is our true nature and birthright. By experiencing and learning the resources that empower “mindful living” in the present moment, we integrate the lessons of the past and see our higher purpose(s) emerge.

Brent Baum takes us on a journey utilizing the breakthrough “emotional reframing” strategies of “Holographic Memory Resolution,” which include “Body-Mapping,” “Reparenting,” and many other exercises for building the internal and external resources we need for happiness, serenity, and success. Utilized effectively with over 30,000 trauma survivors, HMR is heralded as the gentlest, non-intrusive way to reclaim your power from the imprints and experiences of the past and grasp the Big Picture that views and incorporates all experiences as valuable lessons on the path to empowerment and to the fulfillment of your true purpose in life.

Combining these tools with the wonderful healing resources that HMR offers, we can transform grief, sadness, and pain, to moments of meaning and enlightenment, while helping to reveal the powerful “Healer Within” and the loving capacity for empathy that we each possess. As we personally and collectively move from the “Age of Narcissism” to the “Age of Empathy,” we discover the remarkable resources residing deep within us that offer us hope and bring our dreams from the realm of the once unattainable to the realm of manifestation and ease.

Note: Individuals on benzodiazepines (Xanax, Clonopin, Valium, or Ativan) are not encouraged to sign up for this workshop since this group of drugs acts as memory-repressants and inhibits the effective application of HMR!


Cost: $500

This workshop is open to anyone interested in personal healing. Enrollment is limited to 10 participants.

24 CEU's available through NAADAC(Provider No. 161015)
Approved for MSW, LCPC, MFT

Registration Info:

For Registration, please contact:

Michael Farney (National HMR Coordinator)